Setup the "String" to be searched
in email's "Sender" and "Subject". Program filter outlook incoming
unread emails and auto forward to mobile phonesas
text message. Never miss any important mails even no internet
SMS will only be sent
once. No duplicate SMS sending
Two options you can setup
for the SMS to include the email's
"Subject" + "Body"
OR "Date" + "From"+"Subject"+"Body"
Has the option to limit
the max. numbers of SMS a day to avoid spam mail.
Centralize all your email
accounts such as Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail and Office email account to
outlook to be filtered and send to mobile phones
Keep OUTLOOK running to check your
email accounts automatically in a short
time interval such as every minute and set the sms4mail program to
check OUTLOOK every 10 seconds then you can receive the Email
to SMS almost immediately
Freeware for Windows. SMS cost
only. Click to register to get free SMS
to try
Unicode supported for
national language
SMS up to 155 chars, unicode SMS up to 65 chars. Keep OUTLOOK
Below is an example of the Email to SMS whch you can get on mobile
*D:2018/10/27 14:55:46**S:Data Center Site1 Power
Lost Alert !! *B: Power lost at 2018/10/27 14:55:46. David be
informed thru sms4mail
Note : *D: Date *F: Sender email address *S: Subject
*B: Text Body