Get alert when connect to TCP ports timeout continuously such as 21(FTP),80(WWW),3306(MYSQL) .....
CPU_Alert /


Get alerts on phones when continue TCP ports connection timeout. Check here for Windows version

  • Download and unzip to 1) host.txt for host and ports setup.2) setup.txt for account setup to receive SMS alert 3) email.txt - Option to have 2nd SMTP setup to send mail alert 4) portalert program. Run it directly. Register to get free SMS to test
  • SMS and Email alerts send out from our server and has option to send additional email via Local/Free SMTP at the same time to ensure you can receive alerts.
  • Services such as FTP using port 21, SSH(22), TELNET(23), SMTP(25), DNS(53), Httpd(80),MSSQL(1433), MYSQL(3306).. or self defined port #. TCP Ports are numerical identifiers in host to host communications. Monitoring TCP ports connection is monitoring these services on your servers.
  • Alert you once only when normal -> consecutive connection timeout -> normal status changed - No continue sending you alerts when it remains TCP ports connection timeout. Let you know when it is abnormal and when it is back exactly.
  • Run it background to keep TCP ports monitoring and send you alerts - You can run it in background with silent mode by running portalert -s & when it has been tested OK.
  • Write any TCP port connection timeout record to log file with timestamp and mail you the log file everyday to let you check from email inbox directly
  • I am Alive mail notification - Mail you today's log at midnight everyday to let you check the daily log from mail directly and you also can know program is up and running
  • Below is alert text example for SMS and Email. Description + Host/IP + Port + Timeout Start time + End Time
  • 2019-08-25 13:59:12 NY MYSQL Server TCP connect 5 timeout from 2019-08-25 13:57:56 to 2019-08-25 13:59:12
  • 2019-08-25 14:01:18 Back to normal for NY MYSQL Server