alerts on phones when continue PING loss. Check
here for Windows version
Download and unzip to 1) host.txt for host to
Ping 2) setup.txt for account setup to receive SMS
3) email.txt - Option to have 2nd SMTP setup to send mail alert
4) pingalert program. Run directly.
Register to get free SMS to test
SMS and Email alerts send out from our
server and has option to send additional email alert
SMTP relay service
key for password, no security concern, 100/day for free)
at the same time
to ensure you can receive alerts.
Alert you once only when PING normal -> PING consecutive loss ->
PING normal status changed - No
continue sending you alerts
it remains PING loss.
Let you know when it is
abnormal and when it is back exactly.
Run it background
to keep Ping monitoring and send you alerts
You can run it in background with
silent mode by running pingalert -s & when
it has been tested OK.
Write any PING loss record to log file with timestamp and
mail the log file you everyday to let you check from email inbox
Different alert text
for different host and send to different phones - Set up different text for
different host alert message or using Ping default
to send alert to different phone number
I am Alive mail
notification - Mail you today's log at
midnight everyday to let you check the daily log from mail directly
and you also can know program is up and running
Below is sample for the alert messages
Use default
2019-8-11 15:55:57 Ping
Timeout... Ping Packet Receive Timeout for 10 times
from 2019-8-11 15:55:16 to 15:55:57
Back to normal.2019-8-11
16:31:48 Ping OK 64 bytes from msg_seq=10 ttl=64
time=950.35 ms
Or setup your alert text for different servers
is down"
It will add current time to your text and receive "2019-8-11
15:55:16 AP1 MYSQL is down"
is up"
It will add current time to your text and receive "2019-8-11
15:59:20 AP1 MYSQL is up"