PayPal 賬戶到賬通知. PayPal 網上商家或是eBay 網拍成交資料簡訊通知到手機 
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Copyright©   聖達威有限公司 台北市 松山區北寧路66號4F
Very easy to set up and really time saving.. Thanks SMS4Paypal! - Kay Bogers, Netherlands

I do not need to to watch my mail box for my online store. It saves me time. thanks a lot - Nick Brown, Australia

Simple and useful for my eBay  auction. Payment info comes to my mobile, very convenient - Mark Lam, Hong Kong  


 > What our clients are saying

Alertzz.com / SMS4Mail.com / SMS4PayPal.com  

拍賣收款的金流服務, 也提供了Shopping Cart, BuyNow, Send/Receive  Money 的服務.當你在eBay 賣出物品或是你的網站使用 PayPal 做收款(信用卡)的代收服務, 你的PayPal 帳戶有收到錢時,就代表你的 eBay 拍賣或是網站有賣出物品;這時就會有交易資料如賣了什麼商品、多少錢、 買家名字及貨物要運送去的地址..等交易資料. 雖然PayPal 會把這些資訊透過電子郵件傳送到你的信箱,但有時人在休假或只是兼差在網路賣物品並不常常開啟電子信箱時,則貨物就無法如期送出更何況eBay PayPal 買家大部分是全球的買家;立即(當天)的回應更顯重要 才會讓客戶有愉快的交易,也會建立好口碑;現在我們把這些交易資訊透過簡訊立即傳送到你的任何手機門號,讓你不用開電腦也馬上可以處理. 任何時間都可隨時啟用或停止只要短短30秒就OK.並可先註冊試用.免月租費,免設定費,只要便宜的每通簡訊費用。我們在2009年底提供了全球的服務. 已有荷蘭、英國、香港及義大利客戶使用中。啟動與取消30秒內完成 請按此看詳情及設定   

Auction Payment Received
(Below was the actual eBay Sale Data to Phones. Refer eBay item # 220547682877)

Got PayPal $$ on 2010-02-05 18:32(GMT+8);Txn-type=web_accept;Txn-id= 1CM82973WV69512 2V;Status=Completed; Amount=(USD)61.50;Payer-status=verified ;Item= Wireless Bike Turn Signal Rear Light Bicycle Indicator(#=220547682877);Addr=(Wxxxx Lxxxx) X.X. xxx xxx3 xxxx xx Manitxxx xxx xxx Canada;Payer-email

*2010-02-05 18:32(GMT+8) is the payment time, which is your local time with GMT offset
*Addr is the Buyer's shipping Address. It is personal info, marked manually here

Shopping cart / Buy Now/ Donations / Subscriptions Payment Received

Got PayPal $$ on 2010-01-18 09:38(GMT-5);Txn-type=cart;Txn-id=4E155097F7778241F; Status= Completed; Amount=(USD)77.00;Payer-status=unverified;Item=GD-SP01(3) GD-101R(1) GD-001(3);addr=(Michael Han) 1 Main St San Jose CA 95131 United States;Payer=(phone)408-294-9337;(email)michael101@gmail.com;

-->目前已註冊人數: 19615 最後一位註冊來自: Italy 姓名: An----- 手機: 3937-----


To which payment flows does Instant Payment Notification (IPN) apply?

 Instant Payment Notification applies to all PayPal product features, including Buy Now, Donations, Subscriptions, Shopping Cart, Auctions/eBay flows and Send Money/Request Money payment received.

Will it influence the original PayPal payment process because of this SMS function?

 No. Because the SMS sending is executed when the PayPal payment process is finished. IPN is an Asynchronous message service, meaning that messages are not synchronized with actions on your website. Thus, IPN message does not increase the time it takes to complete a transaction on your website. There is no security concern. since PayPal IPN only pass the transaction data. This SMS notification will pass the basic transaction data to your mobile phone. You can refer all IPN variables to know what data pass to IPN

